The town of Porto Valtravaglia, now with about 2,500 inhabitants, gained increasing importance in the middle of the 17th century with the construction of a weaving factory and especially with the establishment of two glass factories, whose products were internationally valued and mentioned in the same breath as the world-famous Bohemian glass. Since the melting furnaces had to burn 24 hours a day and thus work continued throughout the night, the inhabitants were nicknamed "mezarà t," which in the dialect means something like bat, indicating that the residents of Porto Valtravaglia were as active and industrious at night as bats. Over the last 60 years, Porto Valtravaglia has shifted from industry to arts and crafts and tourism. The location, favored by the mild climate and situated exactly between the two popular and larger towns of Luino and Laveno, is increasingly appreciated by more people, and fortunately, the town has managed to retain its original charm to this day. From the beautiful lakeside promenade, one enjoys a wide view of the middle and northern lake, and thanks to the boat connections in all directions, one can comfortably explore Lago Maggiore by boat. In the hilly hinterland with its diverse hiking opportunities, there are still some smaller intact villages with old churches and houses, some of which have been stylishly renovated by their new owners.
Dario Fo, the 1997 Nobel Prize winner in Literature, who is highly esteemed not only in Italy, is probably the most famous son of Porto Valtravaglia. He was born in 1926 in Sangiano (Varese) and lived in many places on the eastern shore of Lago Maggiore due to his father's profession, including several years in Porto Valtravaglia. The son of a railway worker and a farmer became internationally famous as an actor, director, and author of polemical satirical plays. After several years as a stage designer and film actor, he founded his own, still very successful two-person theater company in Milan with his wife Franca Rame in 1959. Rooted in the popular "Commedia dell'Arte," Dario Fo switches between speech and pantomime on stage, interspersed with frequent improvisations. He never hesitated to pillory self-important Italian intellectuals and the powerful of the state and the Catholic Church in his hearty social satires. As a result, many of his plays were censored in Italy, translated, and performed abroad. That not only he but also his life writes bizarre stories is proven by the following incident: By pure coincidence, the funeral of his father took place on the same day in 1987 as the burial of the famous contemporary writer Piero Chiara in his hometown of Luino. The funeral procession of Dario Fo's father was in full swing, the band was playing, and suddenly a crowd waiting on the piazza joined the coffin of the old railway worker and accompanied it to the cemetery. In the meantime, however, the mortal remains of Piero Chiara arrived in Luino; only there was no one left to pay him the last respects. This true incident could just as well have sprung from the imagination of Dario Fo.