The nearest village is Pedona, about 500 meters away on foot, where you can find a cafe-bar, grocery store, and restaurant/pizzeria.
Camaiore is 5 km away with many shops, supermarket, bank, post office, ice cream parlor, etc., in short, everything that belongs to Italian holiday life.
Lido di Camaiore, 10 km away, is the nearest beach with well-equipped bathing establishments where you can rent sun loungers, umbrellas, cabins, and there are children's playgrounds, beach cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, and there is also a small free beach.
At a distance of 15 km (towards Viareggio), there are large free sandy beaches.
The many seaside resorts of the entire Versilia coast are among the most coveted and famous in Italy - magnificent beach promenades, cafes, ice cream parlors, ultra-chic boutiques and shops, and a vibrant nightlife in the many nightclubs and entertainment venues offer something for every taste.
Visit Viareggio, Forte dei Marmi, Marina di Pietrasanta, and many others, and experience a summer dream in Tuscany.