24h-Booking: You are about to make a binding booking. The owner has 24 hours to confirm your booking.
Thank you for your booking request
What happens next?
The booking is not confirmed yet, the owner has 24 hours of time to answer your booking request. Please do not send any more booking requests during these 24 hours.
Expiration time:expired
You have just received an E-Mail with further information.
Any further questions?
In case of further questions regarding your binding booking request, please have a look at our FAQs or get in touch . Kontakt with our support team. We wish you wonderful holidays.
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(Discount will be deducted automatically)
Holiday house Maison RICHARD
4.8/5(7 reviews)
2 Bedroom(s)
Max. 6 guests
80 m²
100% recommendation
Online for more than 6 years
7 reviews
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